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In early 2020, I became an independent travel consultant. I was really excited about building a business centered around something that I love to do... travel! In particular,  I love traveling with friends and family as well as meeting new friends on my venture to new places.


Then guess what?! Yup, COVID happened! Like many of us,  COVID has forced us to pivot because of the significant impact on the traveling industry and the major decrease in traveling. I am sure you have heard of the old adage “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade”. 

Well, we made lemonade and created Meet Connect Travel!


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Meet Connect Travel strives to provide fun, and exciting conversations and resources around travel adventures from everyday people like you and me. Particularly, MCT's podcast is a place to hear from our guests as they share their amazing travel experiences. Meet Connect Travel is particularly interested in elevating the voice of the MST (Mature Seasoned Traveler). During COIVD, we can all travel vicariously through the experiences shared here.


These travel experiences will inspire you to consider your own personal travel aspirations to places that you perhaps have not considered before.  And yes...MCT can help you with that too through our personalized travel services.

Our philosophy is that traveling is such a great opportunity to meet and connect with others, whether it is your spouse, partner, family, friends and sometimes even strangers on a group trip. We can also connect on some level with the people and places that we explore.  So, join us for the adventure.


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